Ben Graham Corporation
Better Business Processes

Business Process Improvement

& Coaching

Why the Ben Graham Corporation?

For three generations, the Ben Graham Corporation has partnered with organizations across the United States and Canada, studying work and workflow; developing simpler, better work processes, quickly and thoroughly. We help our clients discover the seemingly magical nature of truly transparent work processes: improved understanding of the work, enhanced collaboration, and even a positive impact on attitudes.

We are proud of our sixty year track record of proven results.
Your on-call expert : 937-667-1032
Add a process improvement consultant to your team for Project Development, Process Mapping, Process Analysis... whatever you need to kick off a new project, jumpstart a stalled project, or support a critical main mission effort.
Located in the Miami Valley?
Side by Side Coaching
I'll work side by side with one or more of your people to bring them up to speed quickly.
We can develop your own internal consulting team with the skill and capability to continue the improvement work.
Phone / Email Guidance
Text, email and phone access to Ben B Graham.
A personal sounding board for process improvement guidance. If you would like a copy of my Consulting Portfolio, call me or send a note.
Call 937-667-1032

Here is what we can do for you...

Project Plan
I'll guide your team through a successful process improvement project in one month.
here's how...

Project Plan

Provide an exceptional improvement methodology to assure…

  • Projects are completed on schedule.
  • Truly engineered processes and changes.
  • Better business processes: simpler, faster, fewer errors and less waste.
  • Better customer service: fewer customer complaints.

Organize your library of process maps and process-related documents, providing…

  • A foundation for continuous improvement.
  • Transparency: a clear understanding of existing work.
  • An excellent resource for training and developing procedures.
  • Process documentation that satisfies regulatory, certification, and audit requirements.

Give your organization "The Gift of Time", more time…

  • To focus on your primary business objectives.
  • To take on more work and pursue new things.

Establish or enhance your continuous improvement program with…

  • Scheduled projects and reviews.
  • Teamwork and excitement.
  • Team members rising to their potential.
  • Employees seeing how their work fits into larger processes.
  • Employees seeing how they contribute to the organization.
  • Happier, engaged workforce.
  • Employees making a difference, and proud of it!

Employee participation is critical to an effective work improvement program. When employees are enthusiastic about making improvements, improvements can be dramatic. To encourage enthusiastic participation, we must be assured that there will be no loss of employment resulting from the work improvement.

Here's What We Do...

Gather Facts, Draw Process Maps, Analyze and Improve Processes, Organize Process Map Library

Develop Continuous Improvement Roles and Responsibilities

I collect data by observing employees at the workplace as they do their work. All data collected is shared and confirmed with the employee to eliminate concerns and ensure accuracy. I document the processes with Graham Process Maps.

Here is a brief outline that includes things you can do or prepare for that will help us get the most value from this work:

Define the Project

  1. Identify the process(es) you would like to review/analyze/improve.
  2. State the purpose or goal of the PROCESS.
  3. State the objectives of the PROJECT.
  4. Define a start and end point for each process.
  5. Identify key people involved in the selected process(es) and assure that they will be available.
  6. Announce the "project" to everyone involved in the process (including people who are not selected as team members).
  7. Guarantee no loss of employment as a result of this improvement work.
  8. Identify additional processes to document if time permits.
  9. Identify person for 1 on 1 data collection coaching.
  10. Prepare a loose schedule for data collection.

Collect the Data

  1. Availability of experienced people who do the work is necessary to complete this task quickly.
  2. I will need to split time 50/50 between gathering data and preparing the map(s).
  3. Provide a workspace (I will have a laptop).
  4. Provide access to a printer - (a plotter or dot-matrix printer would be best for printing long charts). If there is a business services shop nearby, we can have large maps printed there.

Facilitate Process Analysis and Improvement

  1. Assemble the Team of people who do the work.
  2. Elect or assign a Team Captain and Recorder.
  3. Identify support people who will be called upon as necessary (IT, Legal, Regulatory…)
  4. Develop a meeting schedule that will accommodate the Team members.
  5. Challenge the process one step at a time using the Questioning Method.
  6. Record all ideas and mark agreed changes on the map.
  7. Team Leader makes assignments for next meeting.
  8. Recorder prepares minutes for next meeting.
  9. Facilitator prepares revised chart for next meeting.
Send me a note
or call 937-667-1032
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